Consultation on McCloud – The Chief Executive has been closely involved in Technical Consultation with the MoD ahead of Public Consultation later this year.
The MoD is aware of the 3 ‘tests’ the Society is applying to the proposed remedy options, and there is broad agreement across the Public Sector Pension Scheme representative bodies on the most appropriate solution.
Our latest update is here. Given the sensitive stage of these negotiations, members are asked to monitor our updates rather than ask for individual advice – too early for that yet.
SSRB and AFPRB – On 19 March the Chief Executive presented to the Senior Salaries Review Body (SSRB) with a focus on the impact of Annual Allowance and Lifetime Allowance tax charges on the SSRB community (2* officers and above).
His pitch was well received and more to the point he has been invited to present to the Armed Forces Pay Review Body (AFPRB) which deals with pay, allowances, and pensions across all ranks up to and including 1*.