TX-Net is a network that enables veterans and reservists subscribers to make meaningful connections which lead to tangible outcomes.
It is a community defined by shared values that engender mutual respect and trust. It is not a social media platform.
Forces Pension Society has joined TX-Net as a Trusted Partner and we very much look forward to supporting the network by sharing news & articles which we hope will be of interest.
So how does it work?
TX-Net is a subscription service which will cost you £10 per year all in. THE FIRST MONTH IS FREE
Those who have something to offer (havers) will be linked with those who have a requirement (needers). All of us are both havers and needers.
In a crowded area this project has several unique characteristics:
- It requires subscribers to join to maintain affinity It measures the quality of transactions ensuring the credibility of participants and outcomes
- It is inclusive, a ‘network of networks’ that goes ‘with the grain’ of Government policy
- Over time it will become wholly digitally enabled for ease of operation
- The data generated will increase impact for subscribers
- It will be moderated to answer the unanswerable and signpost solutions including charitable support
This is a not for profit subscription service not a charity.
FPS Chief Executive Neil Marshall said
“A great initiative with real potential – the Forces Pension Society is delighted to be a TX-Net partner organisation from its launch“
For full details and how to apply to join see https://tx-net.co.uk/