The issues that concern people who are leaving the Regular Armed Forces and joining the Reserve Service are probably easiest to understand if we handle this as they are raised with us, by way of Q&A, and today we offer short answers to three questions…
Q. Will my annual EDP income from either AFPS 05 or AFPS 15 be stopped while I am a member of the PTVR?
A. No. Your EDP income is not affected. It is only when you rejoin the Regulars or undertake an FTRS post that the AFPS 05 EDP income stops.
Q. What if I am sent on an operational tour? Would I be paid the full rate for my rank, including X Factor?
A. Your pension will not be abated under these circumstances. AFPS75 rules specifically exclude such mobilised service from the abatement rules.
Q. AFPS15 has an EDP scheme. Does that mean I can add PTVR Service to my Regular Service to meet the qualifying requirement for the award of an EDP?
A. No. The EDP scheme – and, indeed, the Resettlement Grant rules – do not
apply to PTVR or the FTRS.
Check back tomorrow for the next question in this Q&A series