FPS Roadshow Manager Rob Morris updates us on last week’s programme, and gives us a the details for this week’s events.
Last week our Roadshows reached 214 service personnel starting on Monday with our Chief Executive briefing RCDS members on the pension landscape and my combined 75/05/15 brief to 251 Sig Sqn. Tuesday saw a combined brief in Portsmouth to 1710 Naval Air Squadron RN followed on Wednesday with a webinar to the RN Warrant Officer Staff Course. Thursday was discussing pension issues with service leavers at the CTP employment fair in Newmarket and the week concluded with a combined brief to the RAF directing staff at JSCSC.
This week I will be delivering a combined 75/05/15 brief to the cadet Training Team of 7 Brigade on their annual camp followed by two briefings (75/15 and 05/15) to the Grenadier Guards in Aldershot on Tuesday. On Wednesday I will be in South Cerney briefing 29 Regt RLC (75/05/15) whilst on Thursday there will be three pension webinars (05/15, 75/15 & 75/05/15) across the day for Units based in Cyprus.
If you would like to see the full programme click here or to book in for your unit/group email me at roashows@forpen.co.uk – It pays to understand your pension! Rob Morris, Roadshow Manager