FPS Roadshow Manager Rob Morris updates us on last week’s programme, and gives us the details for this week’s events.
Last Week
437 service personnel reached last week through a mix of briefs to Units, Headquarters and service leavers. The week started with a brief to 26 members of 7 Brigade Cadet Training Team on Monday followed on Tuesday by two briefs to over 100 personnel in 1st Bn Grenadier Guards and separately with 45 service leavers attending the Financial Aspects of Resettlement delivered by our Pension Consultants on behalf of CTP. On Wednesday 52 personnel in 29 Regt RLC received a combined 75/05/15 presentation. The week concluded with three webinars across the day to service personnel serving in Cyprus which reached an impressive 211 attendees in total that day.
This Week
Another busy week of external engagement which will see a number of the FPS Team deliver pension briefs. On Tuesday our CE will kick the week off with command briefings to both ACSC and ICSC(L) at JSCSC Shriveham whilst I will be in Larkhill delivering a 75/05/15 and a 15 brief to 32 Regt RA. This should have been followed up in the afternoon, with two briefs (75/15 and 05/15) to HQ 3rd UK Division in Bulford, however this has been cancelled due to the extreme heat*. Wednesday sees our Pension Consultants delivering a FAR via webinar whilst I will be in RAF Cranwell to brief the soon to be commissioned OCdts on the AFPS. On Thursday I return to Buford to deliver three briefs (05/15, 75/15 & 75/05/15) to 5 Rifles. And finally on Friday a (75/05/15) brief to the permanent staff of ATR Winchester will conclude the week.
*Events may be subject to change over the next couple of days due to the hot weather, but we will keep you informed here.

Rob Morris, FPS Roadshow Manager