Every so often it is worth reminding ourselves (and others) just what the Armed Forces Pension Scheme (AFPS) is all about and those aspects of the Scheme that really matter to us – and therefore you!
Some time ago, the Society adopted a model based on 5 ‘Pillars’ of the AFPS to help frame any debate with MoD and other stakeholders should the AFPS ever be reviewed or changes proposed by government – it is important to remain alert to such possibilities and to have prepared our position beforehand.
Our position is captured in the model shown which identifies the foundation, pillars and purpose of the AFPS – which is supporting career structures and sustaining operationally effective Armed Forces – this is what it is all about!

There is always more that can be done to make serving personnel more aware of the true value of their pension (and we endeavour to do exactly that) – noting that AFPS benefits are taken into consideration in determining pay scales and that service personnel all contribute through their selfless commitment to the mission 24/7, 365 day a year. This, we argue, much like death and ill health retirement benefits, is a reciprocal element of a so called ‘non-contributory’ pension scheme.
Fundamental to any AFPS must be the ability to genuinely sustain operationally effective Armed Forces – so they can continue to operate worldwide wholeheartedly committed to the cause, confident that their long-term financial wellbeing has not been compromised by their selfless service. If this trust were lost, we the consequences could be severe.