We often find there is much confusion within the Armed Forces community on who does what, when it comes to Armed Forces Pensions. Here we add some clarity to what is sometimes a perplexing area, and should hopefully signpost you to the correct people for help, whether you be serving, or a veteran.
Veterans UK

Who? Veterans UK is the Ministry of Defence’s (MOD) dedicated veterans support organisation for service personnel, veterans, and their families.
What? Veterans UK deal with the assessment, award, payment and maintenance of all pensions relating to service in the Armed Forces – that’s the Armed Forces Pensions Schemes (AFPS). They also administer the War Pension Scheme (WPS), the Armed Forces Compensation Schemes (AFCS), and provide veterans support through the Veterans Welfare Service (VWS).
If your pension benefits are not yet in payment you should approach Veterans UK if you have a query, or you wish to update your contact details, via the Joint Personnel Administration Centre (JPAC).
Phone: 0800 085 3600/ Phone (overseas): 0044 141 224 3600 Email: dbs-pensionshelp@dbspv.mod.uk
Post: Joint Personnel Administration Centre (JPAC), Mail Point 480, Kentigern House, 65 Brown Street, Glasgow G2 8EX
More info at: gov.uk/guidance/pensions-and-compensation-for-veterans
Equiniti Paymaster

Who? Equiniti Paymaster (EQ) is the MODs paying agent for Armed Forces pensions
What? Equiniti makes the payments of all Armed Forces pensions on behalf of Veterans UK.
If your pension benefits are in payment you should approach Equiniti if you have a query relating to your pension payments, changes to your banking details, your address, and P60 information.
Phone: 0345 121 2514 Email: veteransukpensions@equiniti.com
Post: Equiniti Paymaster Post: Sutherland House, Russell Way, Crawley, RH10 1UH
More info at: https://equiniti.com/uk/help-and-support/pensions
And last but by no means least…
Forces Pension Society

Who? The Forces Pension Society (FPS) is independent from Government/MoD, and is a not-for-profit membership funded organisation that also acts as a pension watchdog for the whole military community. The Society empowers its members to make the best Armed Forces pension choices. Please don’t confuse the FPS with AFPS!
What? The Society guides its members on the technical aspects of their Armed Forces pension; campaigns against any injustices in the policy provision or mal-administration of Armed Forces pensions; and educates the Armed Forces community on all Armed Forces pension matters.
Contact: If you’re not already a Member, all the details are here
Still confused? Please feel free to download our simple guide below (PDF) – and do share it with your friends, colleagues and anyone with a connection within the military community.