Today marks the start of Armed Forces Week. A chance to celebrate our Armed Forces, the Military personnel and the role they play protecting the UK both at home and overseas.
The two key days within this Armed Forces Week are Reserves Day on Wednesday 26 June and Armed Forces Day on the Saturday 29 June.
Reserves Day 26 June: Reserves Day provides an opportunity for the country to recognise our Reserve Forces. The Society is proud to have signed the Armed Forces Covenant, and hold Silver status as part of the Employer Recognition Scheme, therefore recognising the skills Reservists can bring to civilian employment.
In fact, our Head of Membership Charlotte Cooper has just returned from her 6 month deployment as a Reservist with the Royal Navy. We’ll have more to say about that on Wednesday!
Armed Forces Day 29 June: Showing support for the Armed Forces provides a much-valued morale boost for serving personnel, veterans and their families. Supporting our sailors, soldiers and aviators goes beyond Armed Forces Day. In fact, the Government, local communities and businesses across the UK have committed to supporting Armed Forces personnel past and present by signing up to the Armed Forces Covenant.
Our world-class Armed Forces work tirelessly to defend the UK and protect our people all day, everyday. Let’s take time to ‘Salute our Forces’.
Follow #SaluteOurForces this #ArmedForcesDay on social media for all the celebrations!
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