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To Bahrain and Back. Our very own Maritime Reservist Reports on her Recent Deployment.

As many of our members will be aware, Charlotte, our Head of Membership, was mobilised in November last year and deployed for 6 months as a Royal Navy Reservist on Operation KIPION with the UK Maritime Component Command and the Combined Maritime Force headquarters based in Bahrain.

This week we welcome her back, thank her for her service and also thank her for helping to raise awareness of the benefits and complexities of the Armed Forces Pension Schemes to those she served alongside with, including arranging a couple of well supported webinars when time allowed. 

Charlotte’s deployment was covered in May’s Pennant here, and was clearly both demanding and rewarding in equal measures. Charlotte has returned full of energy and ideas and looks forward to progressing the Membership related initiatives that have had to take a short pause during her deployment. 

Welcome back Charlotte!

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