Before I predict what 2025 may have in store in the world of Armed Forces pensions, I would like to thank you for your support, engagement and indeed constructive challenge during 2024. It was quite a year. So, what do I believe are the ‘big ticket’ items for 2025?
First, the AFPS 15 Remedy implementation should achieve a ‘steady state’ this year. The MoD amended their rollout plan, and the situation is clearer as we enter 2025. Nevertheless, no one should underestimate the scale of the challenge ahead if all Remediable Service Statements are to be issued to those eligible by 30 September. We will continue to press the MoD to provide the necessary resources to achieve this revised timeline and to keep AFPS members updated through proactive communications. Our AFPS 15 Remedy Sitrep provides the latest information which we will update when required. Watch this space.
Next, and while it may not be uppermost in most minds, the ongoing Strategic Defence Review (SDR) will report in the coming months; quite what it will mean for people (and pension) related policies remains to be seen. We also await clarification on the implementation of the 2023 Haythornthwaite Review into Armed Forces Incentivisation which has effectively been incorporated into the SDR deliberations. Taken together, these will provide the strategic context for 2025 and beyond. We have submitted our SDR policy position to the MoD and await the outcome.
Next, we will seek clarification from the Government on the future tax treatment of AFPS lump sum payments and Death in Service benefits. It is essential these issues remain firmly on the Government’s radar, and they understand the impact any ill thought through policies could have on trust, retention and ultimately operational effectiveness.
Next, and with the Reserve community in mind, the Employment Tribunal judgement which found in favour of Major Charles Milroy, aka the Milroy Case could see some movement this year (an MoD appeal is ongoing). The case challenged the MoD’s policy of denying part-time Reservists access to AFPS 75 and successor scheme benefits. We will track this very carefully and publish updates as appropriate. Those who believe they may be affected should read our latest update here.
We will also double down on our Veterans’ Unclaimed Armed Forces Pensions Campaign which seeks to unite entitled veterans with their benefits. 2024 saw good progress on this front but much more remains to be done. This is an area where everyone can help spread the word so please support our efforts which are being funded by the Forces Pension Society Charitable Fund.
And throughout 2025 we will strive to highlight the benefits and complexities of the AFPS to multiple audiences via our highly popular Roadshows and attendance at Career Transition Partnership events. Make 2025 the year you book a FPS Roadshow event for your organisation.
Finally, our main effort for 2025 remains the provision of personalised Armed Forces pension guidance and other services to our members – empowering you to make the best pension choices. Many of you will have decisions to make during 2025 so be sure to submit your enquiries to the team in good time so they can support your decision making.
So, a full agenda ahead – and thank you again for your support. Strength in numbers matters and with over 66,000 members the Society’s voice is heard and we will continue to represent your interests directly into the heart of government.
Best wishes for 2025
Neil Marshall, CEO