Members in-scope for the AFPS 2015 Remedy (McCloud) will all receive a Remediable Service Statement (RSS) from Veterans UK by 1 April 2025. Each RSS will be tailored to individual circumstances and will outline the value of the member’s legacy and AFPS 15 scheme benefits that were accrued for their service in the remedy period (1 April 2015 – 31 March 2022). The RSS that you receive will be either for information purposes only, or it will require you to make an election.
After the first RSS is issued, eligible serving personnel will receive one RSS per year. Those who have left/will leave the Armed Forces with a deferred pension that is not yet in payment, may also request an annual RSS for free by contacting Veterans UK.
Please find below a guide for when election RSS’ should be issued and election timeframes:

Personnel who do not receive a RSS before they leave the Armed Forces or are unable to make an election prior to their final day in service, will be paid legacy scheme benefits pending their election. If they subsequently elect to receive AFPS 15 benefits for the remedy period, they will be applied retrospectively and, where necessary, the pension/EDP will be subject to adjustment.
The ‘default’ position for scheme members who do not submit an election by the end of their specified ‘election period’, is that they will receive legacy scheme benefits based on that being the rollback position. In all cases, once an election is made or the election period ends, the choice/default position is irrevocable.
The MOD have published a ‘RSS User Guide’ which is designed for regular active members, and also a RSS User Guide for ‘Immediate Choice’ members. There will also be a guide for those with combined regular/reserve service.
For further information on the AFPS 2015 remedy please visit our sitrep here.