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The Milroy Case Reservists’ Pensions: Updated 20/09/24

Many of our members will have already seen the media coverage of a recent Employment Tribunal which found in favour of Major Charles Milroy (aka the Milroy case).

This case challenged the MoD’s policy of denying Reservists access to AFPS 75 and successor Scheme benefits under the Part Time Workers (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment) Regulations 2000. The introduction of AFPS 15 in April 2015 equalised Regular and Reserve AFPS benefits.

This is a potentially significant case which could have wide ranging consequences affecting those with Reserve service pre 2015.

As ever with these things this is likely to be a long burner and we will engage closely with the MoD over the coming months and keep you informed of developments. 

For now we would encourage our members to ‘watch this space.’ If there comes a time for individual action we will provide updates on our website and social media.

The full Employment Tribunal decision can be accessed here.

For those who have not yet read about the case you will find a news article from Forces News here.

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