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Membership Rules and Rates

Membership is open to:

Serving and retired personnel, of all ranks of the Royal Navy, the Army and the Royal Air Force, and of any other Armed Forces of the Crown, including the Reserve Forces, whether constituted or raised in the United Kingdom or in any other part of the British Commonwealth of Nations or the British Empire; their husbands, wives, partners, civil partners and relatives (see note below); their widowers, widows, survivors of partnerships and relatives.

On divorce or breakdown of a partnership or civil partnership, an ex-husband, ex-wife, ex-partner or ex-civil partner is most welcome to remain or become a Member of the Society.


Annual Membership:

(i) Members whether single or with spouses, civil partners or partners as Joint Members £47
(ii) Surviving spouses, civil partners or partners of a deceased member of Forces Pension Society£24

Note: Relatives are confined to father, mother, son, daughter, stepchildren of a member of HM Forces.


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*Annual membership includes as Joint Members.
See Membership Rules and Rates for full details.

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