As we continue to raise awareness of the benefits and complexities of the Armed Forces Pension scheme, we encourage you to join one of our briefings by arranging a visit or presentation to your unit/organisation/group.
Over each year we deliver around 250 briefs/events to over 12,500 people. The feedback is always overwhelmingly positive, and we already have 70+ booked in for 2024!
We often get asked ‘why have you not come to us? The answer to that is simply…
It’s up to you or your unit/organisation to contact us and book in!
So why attend?
- To understand better the benefits of your Armed Forces Pension Scheme and what it means for you and your family
- Receive the latest information on key pension policy issues and how they may affect you including the AFPS15 Remedy (McCloud)
- Obtain guidance on how to access information on your pension entitlements including your State Pension
- Top tips to help you plan your financial future
Has your unit or organisation booked in yet?
You can view our updated calendar here, and those not yet booked in and wishing to request an AFPS webinar or brief for 2024 should email the FPS Roadshow Manager, Col. Rob Morris at roadshows@forpen.co.uk