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Our Chief Executive Attends Defence Secretary’s Speech Today.

As has been covered extensively by the media, today the Defence Secretary, Grant Shapps, delivered a keynote speech this morning at Lancaster House, setting out his vision for defending the UK and our allies in a more dangerous world.

Our Chief Executive attended the event and was focused on any announcements or indicators of potential changes to the Armed Forces Pension Scheme, beyond those recommended in the recently published Haythornthwaite Review into Armed Forces Incentivsation.

No such changes were announced and reassuringly he emphasised his “iron cast” commitment to Armed Forces people. 

We will be sure to remind those in Government of this statement over the coming months and years to ensure the AFPS remains a key enabler of Defence capability, as set out in our Pillars of the AFPS here.

The full speech delivered on 15 January 2024 can be found here.

Cover Image Credit: Simon Dawson / No 10 Downing Street, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons and original file can be found here

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