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HMNB Devonport


AFPS 15/05/75 Presentations @ 11:00 and 13:00

HMS Firefly

AFPS Reserves presentation

National Transition Event

Silverstone Conference Centre

Now in its 6th year, the National Transition Event (NTE) brings together Service Leavers, Veterans, Reservists, spouses & partners and family members to aid successful, sustainable transition & networking opportunities, recognising, demonstrating and celebrating the value of the Armed Forces. It uses the backdrop of the iconic GP racetrack to offer a unique event giving those attending […]

19 Regt RA


AFPS 15/05/75 Presentation



AFPS 15/05/75 Presnetation

Financial Aspects of Resettlement – All Ranks

CTP Online

Financial Aspects of Resettlement Workshops provide insight and guidance to help with your transition into civilian life The Financial Aspects of Resettlement (FAR) brief is a single day course designed to help you access financial awareness and long-term planning information, tax, pensions and benefits advice. The FAR brief is split into two parts. First, a […]

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