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Keeping you up to date with the latest news, events and articles on Armed
Forces pensions and topical updates from the wider military community.


The McCloud Case

We remain concerned that the furore surrounding McCloud is in some cases creating false expectations...

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Annual Allowance (aka the Pension Tax)

The Society has been helping members deal with the implications of Annual Allowance for some time...

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Thousands face big tax bills following reforms

Our Chief Executive talks to the Financial Times about the potential impact of the pension tax ...

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Telegraph reports on Pension Tax trap

In yesterday's Daily Telegraph FPS Chief Executive and other leaders speak out about the potential i...

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Chief Executive talks to the Financial Times

The article highlights the unintended consequences of the pension tax which is affecting an increasi...

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Pension Tax Update

Government announces “major overhaul of the NHS pension scheme”. So what for us?...

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FPS Priorities Following the Firefighters Pension Ruling

Unsurprisingly the recent statement by the Government in response to the Court of Appeal’s ruling....

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BBC reports that ‘woman wins right to her late partner’s military pension’

We are already receiving many enquiries about the implications of today’s Court of Appeal ruling.....

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Public Sector Pension Ruling and the Armed Forces

On 15 July the Government issued a statement in response to the Court of Appeal’s ruling against i...

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‘Scrap These Ludicrous Pension Tax Rules’ reports the Telegraph

What are we doing about it and what may happen next?...

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Firefighters Union Wins Landmark Pensions Case

The Government has today been refused leave to appeal to the Supreme Court against the Court of Appe...

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Top NHS doctors to be given more flexible pensions

The Government has launched proposals to make pensions more flexible for senior clinicians deliverin...

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