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Posts from tag: AFPAW24


Invaliding Benefits from both AFPS75 and AFPS15 – How Does That Work?

Invaliding benefits for AFPS75 members transferring to AFPS15 ...

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Articles & Guides

Serving? Pension Tips from the Team

Helping you better understand your pension!...

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Articles & Guides

Pension Planning for Retirement

It is never too late to better understand your pension...

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The Financial Aspects of Resettlement (FAR) Programme

Essential for Service Personnel approaching Resettlement...

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Articles & Guides

Is there a best time to leave?

We are often asked if there is a ‘best time’ to leave the Armed Forces. The answer is ‘yes’...

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Articles & Guides

Surviving Spouse’s Benefits on AFPS75

Many people expect a widow’s pension to be worth ½ of the member’s pension rate but this is not...

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