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Posts from tag: Newsletter Aug 2024


Army Sport Lottery

Fuelling Army Sport!...

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Articles & Guides

Annual Allowance Taxation – Scheme Pays Process

The process to apply for Scheme Pays...

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Articles & Guides

Revised Pension Award Letters

Received a revised pension award notification letter several months after leaving the Armed Forces?...

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Articles & Guides

Lump Sum Allowance – changes since 6 April 2024

Lump Sum Allowance (LSA) and the Transitional Tax-Free Amount Certificate (TTFAC)....

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SSAFA – ‘Whatever your rank, whatever your facing we’ve got your back’

Support for the RAF community from the Personal Support and Social Work Service (PS&SWS), run by SSA...

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Medbelle: Enhanced Healthcare for FPS Members

Experience streamlined private care, faster access to exceptional surgical services and patient supp...

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