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Forces pensions and topical updates from the wider military community.

Articles & Guides

The Key Benefits of AFPS15

How does it compare...?...

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Articles & Guides

Get to know your pension!

We often get asked 'what pension scheme am I on?' ...

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Articles & Guides

Serving? Pension Tips from the Team

Helping you take ownership of your pension. ...

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Articles & Guides

Some Light Reading for the Weekend…?

Well maybe not for the weekend, but.......

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Articles & Guides

GIP? What is it, and how does it interact with Armed Forces pension benefits?

Here we look at Guaranteed Income Payments and how they are paid....

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Articles & Guides

What Happens to EDP Benefits if you Take up Further Employment?

Let us explain.......

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Articles & Guides

10 Things to Know about Veterans and their Families

A guide from the Office for Veterans Affairs...

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Articles & Guides

Resettlement Reflections

Our Chief Executive shares his own personal experience of resettlement....

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Articles & Guides

AFPS Retrospective Remedy (McCloud) Public Consultation is now live

The Society will be responding as part of the consultation process...

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Articles & Guides

Armed Forces Retrospective Remedy Consultation

An update from the Ministry of Defence on the AFPS15 Remedy (McCloud)...

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Articles & Guides

CPI! Why does that matter to me?

The first of our articles in our 'Effects of Inflation on Your Pension' series......

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Articles & Guides

Our Top Ten Most Read

Our Top Ten Most Read...

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