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Posts from tag: McCloud


The 2015 Remedy (McCloud) and the Armed Forces – a vital challenge for this Governments new leadership

Government wants remedy costs to be paid for by scheme members! ...

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AFPS Pension Taxation videos

MOD Pensions team releases AFPS pension taxation videos on YouTube. ...

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Cost Cap Judicial Review granted – so what for AFPS Members?

Public service pension schemes granted judicial review over McCloud cost remedy...

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Armed Forces Pension Scheme 2015: Remedy explained videos

MOD Pensions team releases AFPS15 pension remedy videos on Youtube. ...

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Update on the Armed Forces Pension Calculator (including McCloud functionality)

The complexity of the remedy has resulted in a number of cross government policy issues yet to be fi...

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Articles & Guides

Understanding How Your Armed Forces Pension Will Change in 2022

Getting to grips with the pension changes that will happen in April....

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McCloud Speculation

We are hearing a lot of rumour and speculation regarding the McCloud remedy...

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McCloud Consultation

MOD are undertaking a public consultation which details the changes that will be made to the AFPS re...

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Our Top Ten Pension Q&A

For Pension Awareness Week here's a taster of some of the questions we get in our pension enquiry in...

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AFPS Calculator and McCloud

Its development is subject to a number of complex policy issues......

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Public Service Pensions Cost Cap Review

Earlier this year we highlighted to our Members that some unions had brought legal actions against t...

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Making sure the McCloud Pension decision works for you

Here we set out three key criteria against which we will judge the success of the implementation of ...

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